Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Meeting Face-to-Face

Hey about getting together face to face next week? I know some of you live away from Friday Harbor (so we will take notes), but it might help those of us who are in FH to look each other in the eye and share our thoughts about the book...and then also have Charlene give us another tutorial on blogging. is always fun to have a party!

If you would like to get together for a brown bag lunch next week at Charlene's (she has invited us) on either Tuesday 7/6 or Friday 7/9, please e-mail Charlene and let her know what day is best for you. We will be discussing Chapters One and Two.

God bless you all.


  1. Obviously either day works for me. So far I have only heard from Andy, who says Tuesday doesn't work for her.

    To everyone off island -- if you can't make the meeting, we will also be sharing the gathering via post after the meeting.

  2. I would love to come, Friday works for me.

  3. Friday it is! I sent an email to everyone who is subscribed to this blog.

  4. Thanks, Charlene and Becce, for the book meeting yesterday. I really enjoyed the open exchange at our face-to-face meeting, and look forward to doing it again. And thanks Charlene, for hosting us in your home, and giving us some blog instructions.
