Wednesday, September 2, 2009

4 patches at last!

I am happy to finally be able to write an update on what's happening at the Mashaka Quilting Cottage. We have been struggling for some time with unreliable sewing machines which forced us to do all our sewing by hand. However, while we waited for the issue to be resolved, we spent the time practicing our hand sewing and doing some hand quilting. The results are pretty amazing. Several of the ladies are wonderful seamstresses and have fine, even stitches. The others are improving with each project we do.

Last Saturday we had a lovely visit from Dr. Gershon Mwiti from Oasis Africa. He and three friends came to see how things were getting on at the Quilting Cottage. I think he was pleased with the progress he saw, and spent some time inspecting the work that had been done. The women were very happy he had come, and put on quite a show of singing and dancing while he was there. They are very grateful to Oasis Africa for having the vision for this project, and working so hard to get it going.

By Monday, all the women had completed their Keith Mallett project, but we decided to wait to put the bindings on until we had some machines. Sewing bindings on by hand is very hard on the fingers. Sewing them to the quilted piece by machine is so much better, and then we can turn them to the back, and finish them by hand, which is not difficult.

The next thing I had wanted to teach them was how to make 4-patches, but without machines, I chose to teach them the half-square triangle instead, since the piecing of that by hand or machine is much the same. After each woman had completed her two half square triangles, we put up a design wall and "played" with the blocks. I showed them how to make a half dozen different patterns using that one simple block, and then we voted to see which of those patterns they wanted to choose for their first "group" quilt. They chose to do a straight set of a square-in-a-square, alternating light and dark squares. We got all the blocks made, and up on the design wall. The women were SO PROUD of themselves. They loved seeing all the different ways they could use the same block.

Today, since our machines were back from being repaired, we began the morning with more training. Several of the women are still having trouble with the treadle, but a couple were even able to follow the tape on the machine and produce a 1/4" seam. I quickly cut some strips of fabric and had then run a seam down the length. Then after tea, I showed them how to press the seams to the dark fabric, and how to layer the two strip sets, light to dark and dark to light, cross cut, and then back to the sewing machine to sew. Presto, 4-patches!!! They were amazed at how many you could do in just a few minutes. This gave all the women added incentive to learn to operate the sewing machine. And so we spent the remainder of the day, practicing, and more practicing. We are hoping to have our new Singer machine by this weekend.

I cannot tell you what a joy it is to work with these women. They are so excited each day to learn something new, and see how it fits with what they have learned already. They are beginning to see the many possibilities for design, and many are making little sketches in their notebooks. Anything I put on the board, they are sure to copy too. I have started a list of Quilt Patterns, and each day I add the new block we have learned. I wonder how long their list will be by the time I leave?

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers and emails. It's so nice each day to hear from so many of you either by email, or on FBI. I so appreciate all the encouragement and strength you send my way.

Love and a big hug for each of you,

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