Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Traveling to Meru August 12, 2009

This morning we are on our way to Meru--or, we will be shortly. Jesse had ordered a truck (with a driver because I guess you can't just rent a car) but we were all squished in the back with bags on our laps and all our luggage was so crowded into the truck bed that it was ripping the tarp that the driver tried to stretch over it in order to keep it all in. Gladys and Gershon had come by the Methodist Guest House to see us off, were appalled at how squished we all were and concerned for Mom's knees on our four-hour drive, and made arrangements for a bigger vehicle. So, we are waiting for it to arrive momentarily. Hopefully the van will have working seat belts. Mom went to fasten her seatbelt in the truck and found that there wasn't even a connector. It looked like something had chewed it off! And here, the police can randomly stop you--as they did to us last night--to check if you are wearing your seatbelt. If you are not they will make you get out of the car and hopefully only have to pay a fine. We'd had a heads-up that this kind of thing could happen from some other missionary folks at the guest house. Still, it's disconcerting to be stopped at night by police shining a flashlight in your car while they hold their machine gun six inches from your face. (Not pointed at you, but still--not something one easily gets accustomed to!)

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